Coming Soon: A Better Way to do Business with RHRA
New information technology system will increase efficiency and reduce administrative burden on homes
One of RHRA’s priorities is to reduce administrative burden on retirement home licensees so they can spend more time focusing on the care and wellbeing of residents.
To support this priority, RHRA is undergoing an upgrade of its information technology system that will make it easier and more efficient for licensees to manage their interactions with RHRA and all information associated with their homes. RHRA thanks the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility for its support and one-time funding of this initiative.
Some of the benefits for licensees include:
- Increased efficiency: certain forms will be redesigned, and homes will be able to complete and sign them electronically in a secure environment.
- Improved transparency: licensees will have better visibility into the progress of their applications and notices of change.
- Better customer service: licensees will get automated emails confirming that submissions have been received, along with a tracking number for improved communications and tracking.
- Flexibility: licensees will not be obligated to use the new system and can continue to use their current methods if they choose.
Starting in May, these are the changes you will see:
Electronic Communication and Notifications
- Notifications and emails originating from the new system will come from a new email address(es). In the coming weeks, we will provide information on the new email address(es) so that you can mark them as safe in case they are flagged as junk or spam by your organization’s filters.
- Some emails and notifications will have updated content and will be clearly marked as coming from RHRA.
- Licensees will no longer have to use a specific email subject or copy the email to the “i-Sight admin ID” when responding to RHRA.
- Licensees will now be able to submit extra expense insurance or EEI certificates by email and will no longer have to use a webform. In the case of policies that cover multiple homes, RHRA will continue to request these only once, so the licensee will not receive multiple emails and will only be required to send one submission.
Outbreak Surveys
- Outbreak survey questions will remain the same, but the layout and appearance will be different.
Inspection Reports
- Inspection reports will use more plain language and will be organized in a way that will make it clearer to the public if a home has taken action to resolve RHRA’s concerns.
RHRA will continue to provide information and resources to improve the user experience and to ensure a smooth transition for licensees and operators.
We are here to help answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to reach out to us by emailing