Wildpine Residence
10 Wildpine Court
Stittsville ON K2S 1C6
Licence Status: Issued
Ottawa ON K1R 7X7
A Mandatory Report Inspection was done at this home on 2024-11-15. The inspection report was finalized on 2024-11-22.
Mandatory reporting is legislated in the Retirement Homes Act. Anyone who sees or suspects a situation that harms, or puts a resident at risk of harm, is obligated to report it to the RHRA. This includes abuse or neglect of a resident; improper or incompetent treatment or care; unlawful conduct; financial abuse which involves the misuse or misappropriation of a resident’s funds or property through fraud, trickery, theft or force.
Mandatory report inspections do not always constitute a finding of misconduct, or incompetence against the home. Inspection reports are found below and should be reviewed to make an informed decision about this home.
This is a list of the services the home offers. Consider what you need today and what you might need in the future.
- Assistance with bathing - ✅
- Assistance with personal hygiene - ✅
- Assistance with ambulation - ✅
- Assistance with feeding - ❌
- Provision of skin and wound care - ❌
- Continence care - ✅
- Administration of drugs or another substance - ✅
- Provision of a meal - ✅
- Dementia care program - ❌
- Assistance with dressing - ✅
- Any service that a member of the Ontario College of Pharmacists provides while engaging in the practice of pharmacy - ✅
- Any service that a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario provides while engaging in the practice of medicine - ✅
- Any service that a member of the College of Nurses of Ontario provides while engaging in the practice of nursing - ✅
Consider your preference for the size of retirement home.
Read through inspection reports to review the home's compliance under the Retirement Homes Act to help you make an informed decision. Further details on how to read an inspection report here.
Providing easy access to inspection reports is part of the RHRA’s mandate for helping consumers to make informed decisions when choosing a home.
A Registrar Enforcement Order means concerns were identified by RHRA but does not mean these concerns have not been resolved by the home. It’s important to speak with the home directly or call RHRA for more information.
If the home has any decisions or proceedings from court matters, they will appear here and should be taken into your consideration.
A condition is an action that the home has to take to be in good standing. Review this to see if they raise any questions for you as you consider the home.
A person with a controlling interest owns more than 50% of the licensee's voting shares.